Our Understanding of Quality

Quality is indispensable for coaching to be a worldwide human resource professional development instrument.


Together with experienced business coaches, coaching experts from well-known companies and science and research, as well as education and training providers, we have developed quality criteria for coaches, their ethics, coaching process and coaching education and training.


Quality is not static. Quality entails continuous development. To this end we link all relevant stakeholders in the coaching market from all coaching perspectives, foster coaching research and set very high demands on the qualification and professionalism of our members. The fundamentals for our understanding of quality, ethical standards and our expectations of coaching education and training have been compiled in the Coach Competence Model (CCM).


Our understanding of quality and our quality standards are described in detail in the IOBC Coaching Compendium "Coaching as a profession". 

Our standards are...

  • Demanding
  • Multi-perspectival
  • Research based
  • Anthropologically grounded
  • Clearly understandable

The IOBC Coaching Compendium is a comprehensive document setting out our quality standards for coaches, coaching processes, coaching ethics, and coaching education & training.



Our standards provide clear quality guidance for the practice of coaching. Worldwide. 

Quality through standards

We set very high demands on the qualification and professionalism of business coaches and coaching experts when they want to become a IOBC member. 


Our demanding membership criteria are based on the scientifically informed Coach Competence Model (CCM).

Our members are committed to ethical standards based on sound and respected anthropological principles.


Our professional ethics provides coaches clearer guidance than a collection of normative statements on which most ethic codices are based on. 


In addition, we set high standards for the coaching process and coaching education & training.

Coach Competence Model (CCM)

The CCM describes the demands on a professional business coach in five fields of competence, a total of 29 competence clusters and 117 competences – aligned to the coach’s qualification level: 


  • Associate Coach (IOBC) – ASC (up to 3 years of coaching experience)
  • Professional Coach (IOBC) – PRC (at least 3 years of coaching experience)
  • Senior Coach (IOBC) – SEC (at least 5 years of coaching experience)
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Methodological competence
Methodological Competence
Professional cpompetence
Professional competence
Field- and functional competence
Field- and functional competence
Social-communicative competence
Social-communicative competence
Methodological competence Field- and functional competence Professional cpompetence Social-communicative competence Personality