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News | June 2023
Confirmation of the new IOBC Board
In the 4th General Assembly since its foundation, the delegates of the IOBC, International Organization for Business Coaching, have elected their new Board of Directors: Dr. Ursula Wagner (former 2nd Vice President), Ralf Gasche (new in office) and Dietmar Steinbach (new in office) form the new leadership of the IOBC with immediate effect.
Great thanks goes to the previous president Denis Gautheret and the previous first vice president Michael Tomaschek for their successful work.
The new board has set itself the goal to
- to further expand the existing international networks
- to promote the foundation of further associations within and outside Europe
- and to strengthen the cooperation with educational providers.
We wish the new board good luck and much of success.
Thanks a lot to DBVC, ACC and Nibbana India for their support.

News | February 2023
The IOBC Board of Directors and its Supervisory Board are very pleased to welcome Mr. Dietmar Steinbach to the IOBC as the new General Secretary.
Dietmar draws on more than 30 years of experience at management level in various industrial companies, mostly in the corporate environment, but also in medium-sized companies. His activities were broadly diversified internationally and worldwide, mostly with a focus on sales and marketing as well as an enthusiasm for international teams.
His profile is rounded off by numerous experiences in voluntary association activities. In addition, Dietmar is an experienced and passionate business coach and mainly accompanies executives in phases of professional and personal upheaval, among other things. An appreciative, authentic and empathetic attitude is particularly important to him.
He lives with his family in Münster/Westphalia and enjoys Zen meditation. With Dietmar now on board, the IOBC can once again concentrate on its primary tasks and goals.

News | July 2021
IOBC becomes 10th signatory of the Global Code of Ethics
The Global Code of Ethics supports excellence in the development of coaching, mentoring, and supervision and raises the standards of practice of members. It was initiated by the Association for Coaching (‘AC’) and EMCC, in February 2016 - since then more organizations have signed up for the Code.
Upon becoming a signatory, Denis Gautheret, IOBC President, says “We are thrilled to join the group of the coaching, mentoring, and supervision bodies who have all signed up to the spirit and the collectively shared aspiration for excellence which is expressed in this single unified Code. The Code is truly global in its reach and applicability and demands a high level of ethical action, with respect and humility, with strength and under-standing of the situation of others. The IOBC and its members agree to embrace and respect this Global Code of Ethics."
The Code has its own dedicated website – www.GlobalCodeofEthics.org - where the code is translated into the world’s main languages.

News | May 2021
ACC-Coaching Forum on June 24th 2021
The Austrian Coaching Council - one of IOBC´s National Associations - invites you to a dialogue event for coaches & interested parties.
Thursday, June 24th, 2021, 5-8 p.m. in Vienna (participation also possible via Zoom).
Learning today what makes companies strong tomorrow.
Insights & learnings from 250 professionals and executives.
- Katharina Sigl - board member of Marketing Club Österreich (MCÖ) and former board member of Industrie Marketing Verband Österreich (IMVO), Managing Director redstep.
- Thomas Dorner - board member of two industry and trade associations, organizational consultant, coach and future leadership consultant
Impulses, discussion and reflection
Feedback and registrations are requested by e-mail - with the information whether on site or online - to info@coachingdachverband.at.
News | March 2021
IOBC certified coaching training in India
We are pleased to announce that the following coaching training institute has been certified as an Educational Provider for Business Coaching within the IOBC:
Nibbana Institute Pvt. Ltd., Chennai with the offered coaching training program "S-DOC: Systemic Dialogic Organizational Coaching".
Responsible Senior Coach (IOBC) is Geethan Ananthan.
"Nibbana’s S-DOC is India’s first of its kind International Certification program for coaches, entrepreneurs and managers, developed in collaboration with isb Germany, an influential organizational training institute founded in 1984, by Bernd Schmid in Wiesloch, Germany."
News | November 2020
IOBC General Assembly 2020
The first IOBC General Assembly took place on November 10th as an online event. Against the background of the Corona Pandemic and the resulting restrictions on events, the Board of Directors had decided in summer 2020 to hold the assembly purely digitally.
The IOBC Statutes provide for a delegate model for the General Assembly: delegates appointed by the National Associations represent the national association with one vote each at the IOBC General Assembly. The number of delegates depends on the number of members of the National Association. Delegates are appointed for a period of two years.
One year after the founding of the IOBC, two National Associations have so far joined our umbrella organization: The German Federal Association Coaching e.V. (DBVC) and the Austrian Coaching Council (ACC). This year, both National Associations provided a total of 7 delegates for the general meeting.
Besides the report of the board of directors, the agenda of the first general assembly included the election of the auditors and the presentation of the work and budget for 2021.
For the new association year, the focus will be on growth in the number of members and the continuation and implementation of cooperation with National Associations and Strategic Cooperation Partners.
One day after the Annual General Meeting, the first digital Quality Conference of the Educational Provider for Business Coaching (EDPRO) also took place with great participation. So far, 24 providers of coaching training in Germany and Austria have committed themselves to the high quality standards of the IOBC and were certified as EDPRO.
The Quality Conference serves the collegial exchange and quality assurance of their own work and the standards for coaching training.
News | July 2020
IOBC certified coaching trainings
We are pleased to announce that the following coaching training institutes can currently obtain IOBC certification:
- Christopher Rauen GmbH (Dr. Christopher Rauen)
- almut probst organizational consulting (Almut Probst)
- isb GmbH - Systemic Professionalism (Dr. Bernd Schmid)
- noesis (Anna Dollinger)
- ISCO/Gabriele Müller (Gabriele Müller)
- Karlsruhe Institute - An-Institute of the HdWM (Prof. Dr. Elke Berninger-Schäfer)
- Gasche Excellent Leadership (Ralf Gasche)
- HEPHAISTOS Coaching Center Munich (Klaus Eidenschink)
- hauserconsulting GmbH & Co. KG (Eberhard Hauser)
- dehner Academy GmbH (Ulrich Dehner)
- BTS - Society for Organizational Consulting Training and Supervision (Gerhard Neumann)
- Dietz Training and Partner (Thomas Dietz)
- iba | International University of Cooperative Education (Prof. Dr. Monika Zimmermann)
- European Systemic Business Academy GmbH (Dr. Michael Tomaschek, MSc)
- Trigon development consulting for people, economy and society
(Johannes Narbeshuber, MBA)
The IOBC examines and certifies training courses, whose curriculum manager is a Senior Coach (IOBC) and submits his/her training for IOBC certification. All our certified curricula meet the high quality standards of the IOBC for advanced coaching training.
Not only the institutes themselves receive an IOBC certificate, but also former and future graduates of the above-mentioned training can receive an internal certificate with IOBC logo and IOBC Certification Number on request
News | April 2020
Corona crisis: Professional business coaches offer pro bono sessions
The ongoing extraordinary crisis causes numerous challenges in various situations. That is why our members support with professional business coaching - pro bono and in the high quality to which we are committed.
Due to the corona pandemic crisis, members of the IOBC and the DBVC e.V. (German Federal Association of Business Coaching (registered association)) have started a pro bono coaching campaign. Executives, managing directors, freelancers, self-employed and private citizens who feel challenged by the current crisis can take advantage of professional support with a free coaching session via phone or video conference.
More than 60 professional business coaches can be contacted through various channels and in several languages.
News | January 12th, 2020
IOBC introduces itself

Management Board & General Secretary from left to right: Denis Gautheret (President), Lysiane Roux (General Secretary), Dr. Ursula Wagner (3rd Vice President), Dr. Michael Tomaschek (2nd Vice President), Alexander Harmsen (1st Vice President)
IOBC Management Board members Denis Gautheret (President), Alexander Harmsen (1st Vice President), Dr. Michael Tomaschek (2nd Vice President) and Dr. Ursula Wagner (3rd Vice President) have been elected at the IOBC founding meeting on July, 30th 2019. Now, they introduce themselves on the IOBC website. You can also get to know our members of the Board of Directors: Dr. Christopher Rauen (Chairman) and Eberhard Hauser. Since July 2019 Lysiane Roux has been Secretary General of the IOBC.
News | December 19th, 2019
IOBC successfully founded
On initiative of the German Federal Association of Business Coaching e.V. (DBVC) the DBVC and Austrian Coaching Council (ACC) founded the International Organization for Business Coaching (IOBC) on July 30, 2019. This new association strives to ensure the quality and professionalism of business coaching worldwide through advocating and securing high standards.
Since November 20th, 2019 the International Organization for Business Coaching (IOBC) may now call itself "e.V." – a registered association. The successful registration paves the way for the world's only association for professional coaching with exclusive focus on business and leadership. The IOBC represents and connects coaches and coaching experts from business, research and education & training ("Four-RingConcept").
"We see ourselves as an international umbrella organization for securing and promoting the highest quality standards and professionalism in business coaching worldwide.", says Denis Gautheret, President of the Management Board of the IOBC. Denis Gautheret was elected as chairman of the Management Board at the founding assembly in Constance on July 30, 2019.
Highest quality standards in coaching
With a strong network of business coaches and corporate, scientific, research and training experts the DBVC established high quality criteria for the German speaking coaching market. Now it is time to spread these standards for coaches, their ethical standards, the coaching process and further training internationally. Driving forces were and still are the members of the DBVC, who have been continuously living and developing quality standards for the coaching market since 2007.
"In 2016, our association decided to take an international path with the aim of establishing and securing the highest business coaching standards and quality criteria worldwide. Standards are indispensable for coaching to be a reliable professional personnel development instrument.", says Dr. Christopher Rauen, chairman of the DBVC Executive Board. 2016 marked the start of a three-year development process leading to the establishment of an international umbrella organization based in Munich. It was also the beginning of a scientific revision and thoroughgoing update of the standards to align them with the increasingly global and digital challenges of the working world.
Compendium with guidelines for the development of coaching
The current quality standards apply to all members of the IOBC and have been published free of charge in form of a digital coaching compendium entitled "Guidelines and recommendations for the development of coaching as a profession". It is available in both German and English. "We hereby deliver highest quality criteria for coaching activities to all stakeholders within the coaching industry – coaches, experts from companies, scientists and coaching trainers. We are confident that like-minded coaching associations will be founded or that existing high-quality organizations in other countries will join us.”, says Denis Gautheret.
IOBC Network
The official website of the IOBC (www.iobc.org) contains information about the association, its goals and quality standards as well as the IOBC Network – a modern international online database of highly professional business coaches. The database provides a searchable professional platform to meet the rising global demand for high quality coaching. Now that the IOBC is officially registered in the Munich register of associations, the website and the IOBC Network will be successively expanded to include coaches from all around the world.
„We see ourselves as an international umbrella organisation and see our task in securing and promoting the highest quality criteria and professionalism in business coaching worldwide and continuously.
With our quality criteria, we provide all stakeholders in the industry - coaches, experts from companies, scientists and continuing education coaching providers - with the highest standards for coaching activities.
We look forward to successful cooperations with global business coaching associations that share these goals and standards".
(Ralf Gasche, IOBC President)